the most prominent cases are the following:
- Dr Hellfried Sartori, an Austrian, who was jailed twice in the USA for practising without a licence and was blamed for accelerating the deaths of four cancer sufferers in Australia after employing “alternative therapy”, which included injecting a with a mixture containing paint stripper. He was banned in Britain in 2008 after a number of complaints, but by then he had been registered here for 13 years.
- Dr Marcos Ariel Hourmann from Argentina came to Britain in 2005. He arrived after being charged with killing a patient in Spain and worked in a number of Accident and Emergency wards around the country. He was convicted in Spain in 2009 and struck off by the GMC the following year, but not before acting as a police forensic examiner in Wales.
- Maurice Saadien-Raad, a South African, worked for four years in British hospitals despite the fact he was twice suspended in his homeland and was dismissed from a clinic in Australia when his competence was brought into question. He was suspended in 2007 after giving out the wrong drugs and being accused of deception and sexual harassment.
- According to experts, the cases that have been uncovered could represent the tip of the iceberg as many rogue health practitioners could have flown in under the radar. The problem is that, although foreign practitioners are required to produce a certificate from their most recent country of work, which should include details of any disciplinary action, there is no worldwide standard. This means that overseas regulators may fail to include relevant information or may not go back far enough. This can result in crucial information being left out.
NiallDickson, GMC Chief Executive, notes that when the GMC takes action against a
doctor, it informs other regulatory bodies around the world. He believes that
all regulators should do the same but, at present, this is not the case.
JuliaManning, Chief Executive of the think tank 2020 Health, has summed up the
problem. She says, “ When we have doctors working in this country who have been
found guilty of misconduct abroad, or even struck off, the risks are clear.”